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How do you grow?

How does one grow, as a leader, athlete, or student? You put yourself in an uncomfortable environment or situation. So what do I mean by that?

As a leader, you need to expose yourself to new ideas thought processes and situations. Studies show that when a leader is faced with adversity the true metal of that person shines through. All of these things will help you grow. Ideas and input from other team members who have a different perspective than your point of view. They might operate on a different level and are boots on the ground or can offer insight that you are not seeing. What do you do with that information?

You should digest it, analyze it and use it to make a decision on what to do next. Ask yourself this question will this insight help us grow as a company, team or cohort? Will this new insight help our overall goals to increase sales, retain talent, reduce expenses, score more points, or get a better grade? The only way to find out is to hear this idea, technique or habit and see if it aligns with your overall goal or mission. 

As an athlete, this growth through adversity or uncomfortable situation could be a different training method workout or thought process.  The data show that athletes especially benefit from getting outside your comfort zone. Many times as an athlete taking input from a coach or teammate can help build that relationship, but again they have to be willing to take that input and be uncomfortable in the situation to grow. 

i truly believe that stepping outside the secure life and comfort of life makes us better in a great many situations. Try it and see what happens.

Find out how you can grow in whatever you are doing talk with someone on our team to learn more.