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Leaders are Learning Series Book 6/26 Musashi's Book of 5 Rings

The book of 5 rings by Miyamoto Musashi


  1. Book Of Earth

    1. A leader must understand himself before he can understand the realities of leadership and asking others to do tasks, especially when watching is involved

    2. Only when each soldier has been observed can the commander know which warrior will be able to perform a specific act, otherwise chaos will result

    3. A leader should circulate among his people to appraise strengths and weaknesses. Praise and admonish

  2. Book of water

    1. You can only fight the way you practice

    2. You should strive to constantly educate yourself while still practicing your primary skill

    3. Focus on posture and body control when going into any situation, make your spine straight and bigger than you are.

    4. Becoming one with hitting your enemy, you must have a trainer.

    5. No thought no idea - attack your enemy with your body leaning forward with a confident attitude...this is how you should attack your day start before the greatest enemy catches up with your time.

    6. Attacking through the enemy- when your tired dig down deep and Sumon your energy to finish the attack and the day.

    7. He talks about stabbing but really means attack your problems directly with employees or the business as a whole

  3. Book of Fire

    1. The form where you fight- situational awareness, escape routes sometimes you cannot win the fight. Always finish your opponent

    2. 3 strategy to control the enemy- either you take the lead, hold off and take the lead, or force the lead. If you don’t control the lead the enemy will

    3. Timing- knowing yourself and your ability to fight will tell your body when you are ready to fight! If you are caught off guard you must counter quickly and aggressively

    4. Learn to be flexible in everything you do. Life is not scripted

    5. Know the enemy commander and his troops. Build a persona

  4. The book of wind

    1. Be humble, let your actions speak for themselves

    2. Have a broad view of situations and don’t focus on the small things.

    3. How to think of speed- speed is not the most important thing, rather rhythm and timing, and execute correctly! Natural and calmly

  5. The book of no-thing

    1. Everything is within, everything exists, seek nothing outside yourself