Do you have an elevator pitch for your business or yourself?

You walk into a building where you have been trying to get a meeting for months. You step into the elevator with a plan to get more info from the gatekeeper. As the Elevator door closes In walks the contact you have been trying to meet with. Your research before your call is finally paying off and you know its the correct person. What will you say to help you get a meeting?

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These short interactions are just as important as closing your deal. Have your prepared for this interaction? Having a 30 second or elevator pitch is an important part of your sales training. Here are some key things to incorporate.

  1. Who are you?

  2. What do you do?

  3. How do you do it?

  4. What product or service you deliver?

  5. Who you work with?

  6. Can we schedule the next meeting to give you more details and value?