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How to Network and help grow your business

Do you know how to network? Did they teach a class on networking in college? No definetly not this is one of the most important soft skills to learn. Earlier this week I attended a networking event and as soon as walked in a few people just started handing me their business cards. I was almost immeadiatly taken back. I tried just introducing myself and saying Hi I’m Paul how are you tonight? It usually throws them off guard...I wonder why?


Networking is an important skill when you are in college and out of school meeting new connections and growing your business. Www.Linkedin.com is a powerful tool to help grow your digital network, but Reid Hoffman one of the founders of LinkedIn admited that early in LinkedIn inception its was all about who could get the most connections. Today that has changed but there is a lot to learn from this old practice. Some people treat networking the same way. It’s who can throw out the most business cards, or let’s get to know what you do and if you are not a qualified customer see ya later. In fact I’m my experience that is completely wrong. I will always teach people to send a note to new connections and offer a 15min phone call or coffee meeting to get to know each other better. Why not the worst they can say is no but at least you are making an effort. 


Here is a high level over view of what we teach at www.rtblimited.com 

  1. Know your crowd ; What is Important to the people attending what are the challenges they face?
  2. Make a connection;  when speaking to people at a networking event find a commonality and try to truly make a connection. This might not be the exact person you are looking to connect with but perhaps they know someone or they could possibly connect you to that person. 
  3. Try and offer Value: It sounds cliche but really try and help the other person in some way. The more your give, you will receive more later down the line it’s just karma. Truly go back into your network and think of someway this can help your new connection. If you need statistical evidence please read “Give and Take” by Adam grant 
  4. Meet up for coffee or lunch; If you don’t get to spend a lot of time with that person but see potential in working together suggest to meet up for coffee and learn more about them. Even if you don’t see potential to work together you never know how you can help someone. They may just need to get out of the office and talk. Always look to pay it forward!

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